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The Face-Off

Pre-practice Individual Session

***The most important thing about Pre-Practice Face-Offs is not taking Draws. The important thing is working on technique and muscle memory. Go through your moves and motions so it will be fluid to you at all times.

Day 1: Control and Chase

1. Set up as a normal face-off

2.        One of the two guys facing off says, “go”, which obviously gives him the advantage, then he executes his move and both chase the ball. The object is to practice your move and get comfortable putting the ball forward and backwards and picking up the ball with pressure every time. The person that says, “go”, should never lose. The opponent must break his ass to get the ball even though he’s at a huge disadvantage. Make each other WORK otherwise it becomes useless!

3.        The guy who says, “go” does 10 straight, while the “chasers” alternate each time.

Day 2: Part / Whole

1.        This drill is designed to have each guy work on the mechanics of each of his moves in steps so that our technique is flawless. This is designed to make each guy become a complete face-off man. A complete face-off man has a few dominant moves and a counter for everything. Failure to develop sound counters to every move will allow our opponents to successfully scout and beat us. Even Mike Tyson got knocked out! Every one has an off day, so we need insurance for those days. Develop all your techniques/counters and we’ll be the best face off unit in the college lacrosse.

Day 3: Read and React

1. One guy stay for 10 face offs while the “read and react” guys alternate. The guy who stays for 10 straight makes himself readable for one of the three basic moves (clamp, top, rake) every time and the alternating guys must successfully read his “opponent”, identify what the counter is to that move and execute the counter all in the span of “down, set, whistle”

2.        This is designed to give us the ability to read our opponents set up, and then know and execute the counter to our opponents’ move all in the span of “down, set, whistle”

3. This ability is what sets the good guys (one dominant move) from the best guys (a few dominant moves and counters for everything). If we want to be the best, then we MUST have this ability!

Day 4: 50/50 Ground Balls

1.        Two guys are down a crouch position facing the ball, sticks off the ground, the third guy drops the ball in the middle and then they battle for the ball. The loser goes again and the winner drops the ball next. You can only lose 4 in row before you switch.

2.        This is designed to make you develop a technique in getting the 50/50 Gbs, but mostly it is designed to make you develop into the scrappiest player on the field. This is all about having heart. The toughest kid will win with the most.

Day 5: Face-offs

1.        This is designed to put it all together to see who is the best face-off  

     guy on the team is, on a weekly basis. Take pride in being the best   

     b/c YOU will take 90% of the draws. The scrap time will go to the  


Pre-Game Warm-Ups

Quick Whistle

1.        Quick Whistles: Warm up the hands with a quick series of 10 whistles per move( Clamp, jump, reverse, Pinch)

2.        Live-Deads: Do 4 per player to get the whistle reaction time down and allow them to get used to contact.

3.        Live draws: Go 2 whistles the rotate the players allowing them to go against different people.

Off Season Work Out


1. Deep Squats- Use low weight and high reps (3 sets of 15).

                2. Wrist Curls- 3 sets of 10

                3. Wrist Rolls- 3 sets of 5

                4. Lunges               -Either standing or walking.

                                                -Use dumb bells.


1.   Crab Walk- c.w. for 10 yards, shuffle for 10, c.w. for 10, back peddle for 10, repeat.

2.   Bounds- Bound the side-lines; jog the base line.

3. Box Jumps- Side to side jumps down the length of the court, jog the base line. 


1.        Racquetball work out

a.   50 up downs (both hands).

b.  Deep squat, against wall (rt/lt).

c.   Deep squat cross over’s.

2.  Milk crate face-off

a.   place shaft through the handle one side of the milk crate so the head of

 the stick is in the milk crate. Turn the crate face down.

b.  Place ball inside the crate and cycle through all the moves.

3.       Wall Face-offs

a.   Line up parallel, facing the wall. This will allow you to use the wall for resistance.

b.  Place special emphasis on stepping down the line/defensive type moves.

4.       Whistles

- On a “repeating cassette” record “ready, set, whistle” at least 5 times. Be   

   sure to leave about 10 seconds between each set. Be sure to change the  

   whistle cadence for better whistle awareness. DO THIS AS MUCH AS  


Miscellaneous Drills

  1. 3 man Drills





  1. Box Out Drill





  1. Toughness Drill (back to back)


    The following terms and descriptions will allow us to work better as a face off unit.


    The number one thing you all need to remember is: NO FAST BREAKS!!!!!!

    Do what ever you have to eliminate or limit the amount of our opponent’s fast break face off opportunities.



    1. The “Clock” system:

    We will be implementing the clock system when dealing with communication from the wing guys to the draw guys. The head of the face off guys will always be 12 o’clock, his right side will always be 3 o’clock, the left will be the 9 o’clock, and behind will always be 6 o’clock. By using this system we will avoid confusion and will allow for more consistency.


    2. “On” and “Off”:

    There will be occasions where the opposition’s wing guys change their position by moving up and down the line. As wing guys we will alert the draw guy by saying “Off” if he moves to the fast break end of the wing line and “On” if he moves closer to our guy.


    3. “Don’t get sucked in”:

    A phrase used which means that the wing guys should not get pulled into the middle of the field, yet stay a about a yard behind the opposition players. This will allow you to adjust when the ball pops out of a scrum.


    4. “Self”

    Alerting the draw guys to put it to a place where they can get it themselves.




    Wing play is essential to our success as a team. We need to be more concise and determined on the wing.

    1. The general rule unless told by a coach or the draw guys, is to box out your men, especially as a short stick. Keep them off the ball and allow the draw guys to fight for it.

    2. As a wing guy you want to be active. Try and time the ref’s whistle and hit the line running when he blows it.

    3. As a pole you want to be almost on the line, unless you are told other wise. Your first step should be straight. This will allow you to move quicker to the ball no matter where it pops out.

    4. If you are being boxed out and you can’t get around your guy all you have to do is keep running through the middle of the field. This will open the whole side up for the draw guy to put the ball where you were.





    1. Feet
      1. All weight on your feet, none on your hands.






      1. Angled to allow for maximum strength, push, and quickness.






      1. Shoulder with apart=good base.





    1. Hands
      1. Grip stick in finger tips.






      1. Thumbs on shaft.






      1. Elbows inside knees.






      1. Back of Wrists touching the ground when lining up.






    2. Stick Placement
      1. Get your stick as close to the ball as possible. Each draw move closer and closer.




    1. Moves
      1. Clamp




      1. Jump (Cut)




      1. Reverse Clamp (kill)




      1. Plunger (Pinch n’ Pop)





    1. Counters
      1. clamp




      1. Jump (Cut)





      1. Reverse Clamp (kill)





      1. Plunger (Pinch n’ Pop)





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