Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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What is CONNY? 

CONNY (Connecticut New York Youth Lacrosse Association) is a youth lacrosse league formed in 1990.  CONNY’s primary purpose is to promote the game of lacrosse in a safe and sportsmanlike environment.  Membership in CONNY is open to any New York or Connecticut amateur, community based youth lacrosse organization which is not-for-profit, maintains an open membership, and is voluntarily and primarily concerned with the promotion of the game of lacrosse as set forth and specified in their Bylaws.  

To learn more, contact Lisa Hurst at

2012 CONNY Girls Meeting 
Monday, January 23rd, 7:30pm
SONO Field House in Norwalk (click here for directions). 
Please send your girls program representative.

The Agenda will include:

Season Overview - Tournament Dates
Tier Profiles and Scheduling Contacts Review
2012 Girls Youth Rules Changes
CONNY Rules Test
Coaches Training
Youth Ref Training
CONNY Tournament Volunteers

If you have any questions, or if there is any item you would like to have placed on the agenda, please contact Trish Weber at 

Thank you - we look forward to a great CONNY season!


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