Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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Meeting Minutes


Date: December 20, 2007

Place: Cheshire

Time: 6:30 pm


Attendance: Mark Duclos (Committee Chair), Jay Fellows (At Large), Sandy MacMullen (DII Private School), Ted Murphy (Men’s Referees), Rob Hoynes (Girls Youth), Eileen Mitchell (Women’s Referees).


Absent: Mike King (D1 Private School), Bob Russell (CONNY).


Meeting commenced 6:30 pm


I) Increase number of committee members:


Motion was made to increase the number of committee members.  Committee agreed to add the following positions:  1 additional At Large member, Public High School (Men), Public High School (Women), Post Grad (Men), Post Grad (Women), 1 League rep per league.  Post Grad Men position filled by Rob Peterson.  John Einhorn (Eli) considered for At-Large position.


II) Process of Voting:


Discussion occurred relative to the voting process.  Both the process in which we decide what types of disbursements are eligible to receive funding as well as the process of voting on the individual request.


Motion made and passed that the vote on what TYPES of requests the committee will fund should be voted on by the chapter membership.  Additional motion made and passed that all actual disbursements recommendations shall be made by the committee then approved by the Chapter board of directors.


III) Mission:


Discussion occurred relative to the mission of the committee.  Ideas discussed on what types of requests the committee should review include:


Development of the game.

Development of a program.

Promoting of US Lacrosse membership.

Player, coach and referee training.



It was decided that Mark Duclos would make initial draft of mission that included something to the effect of “support the development & growth of the game of lacrosse in CT.  This could include support for programs, leagues, players, coaches, officials, etc.


IV) It was agreed that the committee would attempt to refine the mission by the next Chapter meeting.


Meeting adjourned 7:15 pm.

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