April 21, 2010
The CT Lacrosse Foundation Grant Committee met via conference call on April 21, 2010. The meeting
commenced at 8:00 pm and adjourned at 10:20 pm. The following grant applications were reviewed
and recommendations were made by the Grant Committee (“GC”) as follows:
1) Tolland – New Girls Team (Tolland Youth Lacrosse): The GC unanimously approved this grant
request, with comment. The GC requires that the grant be utilized for the benefit of the girl’s
lacrosse portion of the Tolland Youth Lacrosse program. Grant approved for $500.
2) Nonnewaug Club Lacrosse (Woodbury Parks & Recreation): GC unanimously rejected this grant
request, with comment. The GC reasserts its past decisions relative to its policy that it does not
provide funding for programs that could be funded by a town’s Board of Education, Council etc.
3) Girls Coaching Clinic (CONNY Girls Lacrosse): GC agreed that this application lacks sufficient
information to make a responsible decision. GC has asked that Committee Chairman, Mark
Duclos, speak with the applicant to determine if there were any revenues generated that this
event. While appreciative of the effort by the newly formed league, the GC emphasized the need for economically responsible programming for this and every other organization that hosts these types of functions.
4) Haddam Killingworth Youth Lacrosse Association (Haddam Killingworth Youth Lacrosse
Association): The GC unanimously approved this grant request, without comment. Grant approved for $500.
5) Equipment Funds for North Branford Youth Lacrosse (North Branford Youth Lacrosse Association): The GC unanimously approved this grant request, without comment. Grant approved for $500.
6) High School – Level Growth (Wolcott Youth Lacrosse Club, Inc.): GC unanimously tabled this grant request, with comment. The GC reasserts its past decisions relative to its policy that it does not provide funding for programs that could be funded by a town’s Board of Education, Council etc. That said, GC has asked that applicant clarify its grant relative to the “public funding” nature of this grant request and re-apply in the Fall of 2010.
7) Team Expansion (West Haven Youth Lacrosse): The GC unanimously approved this grant request, without comment. Grant approved for $500.
8) Introducing Youth Lacrosse in Danbury Elementary Schools (Danbury Athletic Youth Organization): GC unanimously tabled this grant request, with comment. The GC reasserts its past decisions relative to its policy that it does not provide funding for programs that could be funded by a town’s Board of Education, Council etc. That said, GC has asked that applicant clarify its grant relative to the “public funding” nature of this grant request and re-apply in the Fall of 2010.
9) Training Materials (software & related equipment) (Connecticut Lacrosse Officials Association):
GC unanimously rejected this grant request, with comment. While the GC believes that this grant application, if fulfilled, would provide a significant benefit to the game of lacrosse, it does not believe that it is in the position to fund these types of initiatives. It believes that US Lacrosse should review funding these type projects due the potential benefit to not only the applicant but the entire game of lacrosse.
10) Officials Training (WCLOA Members and High School Youth Officials) (Western Connecticut
Lacrosse Officials Association): The Grant Committee unanimously recommended that this cost
should be accounted for in the CT Lacrosse Association’s annual operating budget. That, while the Grant Committee has approved this request, it doesn’t believe that the funds required to pay for the MDOC efforts should come from the Grant Committee budget.
11) CONNY Tournaments and Festival at Yale (CONNY): GC rejected the proposed grant by a vote of
4-1 (For: Eileen Mitchell; Against: Mark Duclos, Rob Hoynes, Sandy MacMullen, Ted Murphy; recusing: Jon Einhorn, Bob Russell), with comment. The GC recognizes the significance of CONNY membership in the CT Lacrosse Foundation as well as the depth of the CONNY tournament. Accordingly, the GC believes that this tournament would provide the CT Lacrosse Foundation an opportunity to fund an additional portion of the event that would provide the tournament additional depth. Suggestions include Chapter sponsorship, tournament tee shirts etc. It was agreed that CONNY would provide the GC guidance on how this could be accomplished.
12) Note: The GC has requested that the CT Lacrosse Foundation Executive Board, provide it (the
GC) with an accounting of how it (the Executive Board) determines the amount of money provided to the GC for annual grant funds.
The Executive Committee of the Connecticut Lacrosse Foundation met on Wednesday, May 19th to
review and discuss the April 21, 2010 minutes of the CLF Grant Committee (GC). The meeting
started at 8:00 pm and adjourned at 9:40 pm. The following grant applications were reviewed
and recommendations were made by the Executive Committee (EC) as follows:
1) Tolland – New Girls Team (Tolland Youth Lacrosse): GC recommendation to award $500 approved.
2) Nonnewaug Club Lacrosse (Woodbury Parks & Recreation): GC recommendation to reject this
request, with comment, approved.
3) Girls Coaching Clinic (CONNY Girls Lacrosse): No action taken. GC is awaiting additional information
from the applicant before providing a recommendation.
4) Haddam Killingworth Youth Lacrosse Association (Haddam Killingworth Youth Lacrosse Association):
GC recommendation to award $500 approved.
5) Equipment Funds for North Branford Youth Lacrosse (North Branford Youth Lacrosse Association):
GC recommendation to award $500 approved.
6) High School – Level Growth (Wolcott Youth Lacrosse Club, Inc.): GC recommendation to table this
request, with comment, approved.
7) Team Expansion (West Haven Youth Lacrosse): GC recommendation to award $500 approved.
8) Introducing Youth Lacrosse in Danbury Elementary Schools (Danbury Athletic Youth Organization):
GC recommendation to table this grant request, with comment, approved.
9) Training Materials (software & related equipment) (Connecticut Lacrosse Officials Association): GC
recommendation to reject this grant request, with comment, approved.
10) Officials Training (WCLOA Members and High School Youth Officials) (Western Connecticut Lacrosse
Officials Association). The EC agrees with the GC recommendation of this cost being accounted for in
the CLF’s annual operating budget. This is consistent with a GC recommendation made two years
ago regarding a request from the Connecticut Lacrosse Officials Association (CLOA). The CLF needs to understand the comparative membership size of the three state officials organizations – CWLOA, WCLOA, and CLOA. Bobby Marusi has been asked to complete a report on this information in the next 60 days. This information will be used in establishing 2011 budget guidelines for CLF monies designated towards “officials training”. We will establish specific, quantifiable items we will consider for reimbursement.
The EC decided it will provide the WCLOA support from the 2010 budget in a manner consistent with the support it has provided to the CLOA the past two years. The support is directly linked to the cost of training materials used to train new officials. The CLF will provide $20 for each official (high school / youth) who has completed and passed the WCLOA training program in the spring of 2010. We will meet with Ralph Baldelli (President) and Jay Fellows (Trainer) to discuss our plans and get their input as we move forward.
11) CONNY Tournaments and Festival at Yale (CONNY): GC rejected the proposed grant, with comment.
The EC agrees with the recommendation of the GC. The EC, along with the GC, recognizes the
significance of CONNY membership in the CLF as well as the depth of the CONNY tournament.
CONNY was asked by the GC request to provide direction on how a CLF sponsorship could be
accomplished. Their response EXPENSE RELIEF for our officiating costs…everything else is covered.
The EC does not believe the paying of tournament officials is in line with the mission of the GC. A
similar CONNY request for coverage of officiating costs was denied by the GC in 2008. The board was happy to read of CONNY’s desire to have the Chapter recognized more amongst their membership. The Executive Committee’s plan is to schedule a meeting with the CONNY Executive Board to discuss our position regarding this request and other pertinent CONNY/CLF issues.
12) CLF Executive Committee guidelines for determining the amount of money provided to the GC for
annual grants. The EC feels strongly it’s important to do annual reviews each fall to assess where we
are financially. The review is used to discuss previous year expenditures, upcoming events, and the
full scope of Chapter activities. These discussions will lead us to the preparation of a proforma of
the upcoming year’s budget. These estimates will lead to the development of our final budget.
It’s important to understand the CLF’s income stream. Outside of US Lacrosse grants for Positive
Coaching Association workshops ($1000-$1500/yr) and donations ($500-$1000/yr) the Chapter
draws the balance of its funding from USLacrosse membership dues rebates. These rebates have
averaged $19,581 during the past four years. Here are the past four years of dues rebates:
· 2009 - $21,169
· 2008 - $20,489
· 2007 - $19,567
· 2006 - $17,098
Our budgets typically follow the pattern of spending from the trailing few years. Cash reserves able
to temporarily cover the cost of USL National Festival room and board for 75 players and coaches in
the range of $18,000 is occasionally required as well. We follow the trends of past years but feel
flexibility to adjust to changing needs, if necessary, works well for us.