Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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CT Chapter Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

6:30pm – 8:30 pm

Cheshire High School ~ 525 South Main St.

Cheshire, CT


Present:  Phil Schneider, Rich Hertitage, Drew McElroy, Ryan Larkum, Matt Glaser, Al DiVincentis, Dick Naramore, Randy Bayliss, Lindsay Jardine, Sean Cole, Mike Infantino, Rob Hoynes, Erik Marro, Bill Glenn, Sean Peoples.


The Meeting was called to order by Phil Schneider at 6:45p.m. by welcoming everyone and introductions.


The CT Chapter Minutes for the October Meeting were reviewed and voted into the record.


CT Chapter Reports

·        President

o   Updates from LLO meetings

§  Discussions about new player segmentation, youth rules and ADM

§  Concerns about finding enough coaches with smaller teams playing short side games.

§  Discussion about language in youth rules as they pertain to liability coverage from US Lacrosse (Bollinger). Question about coverage can be directed to Ryan.

§  Phil reminded board about Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference on Sunday


·        Vice President – no reports

·        Treasurer

·        Hall of Fame Committee

·        Grants Committee




Mike Infantino (CLOA)

               Requested grant to attend US Lacrosse convention in Baltimore as a representative of Officials Sub-committee and District Coordinator for New England

               Previously grants have been requested and given for:

                              -Train youth officials

                              -Train new high school officials

                              -Provide certified trainer and certified observers


There followed lengthy discussion of the issues concerning availability of good officials and identifying ways to improve the quality of officials by promoting uniformity. Feedback is needed from coaches/peers.


Phil suggested that The Chapter needs to establish a process to offer grants and scholarships for developing education for coaches and officials and hosting training meetings; $2,000 grants to each organization in need.


Drew McElroy moved to establish a procedure for awarding scholarships or grants for education & training for coaches and officials.  This motion was seconded and passed unanimously with one abstention from Randy Bayliss


Sean Cole made a motion to approve a grant not to exceed $500.00 to attend the US Lacrosse Convention in Baltimore, MD.  The Motion was seconded and passed.


NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Lindsay, Sean and Ralph)

Sean proposed an amendment to The Chapter Bylaws to dispense with the two (2) year service requirement.

               - A Motion was made to remove set term limits to serve on the Board of Directors. There was discussion concerning establishing a maximum number of Board Members instead of setting a minimum number. Lindsay offered that The Board needs more diversity – greater representation is needed, adding college students for example for two (2) year terms in office.


It was determined that notice of any such proposed Bylaw change(s) needs to be made in advance and prior to further discussion and vote thereon.


Phil tasked the Nominating Committee with:

·        Determining the slate of Directors for the December meeting to be included in the minutes;

·        Assign arbitrary term limits for each Board position; and

·        Propose changes to the Chapter Bylaws.




Rob Hoynes reported on the status of the Hall of Fame Dinner Event scheduled for 11/19/16.  The Dinner event will be held at the    Vazzano’s Four Seasons in Stratford, CT

o   Seven inductees

o   230 – 250 attendees anticipated

o   preparations are currently ahead of schedule

o   Drew is working on Silent Auction

§  (Silent Auction items are needed)

o   Cocktail hour from 6:00p – 7:00p

o   Dinner served at 7:00p




Rich presented the report -

               -$66,548 in current operating fund

               -Disbursement of $8385.00 made to the Chapter by US Lacrosse in late October


Phil reported that a new EIN for The Chapter has been created:

o   501(c)(3) non-profit IRS entity established through US Lacrosse group exemption

o   Registered with CT Secretary of State as a corporation

o   Moved account(s) to a new bank

o   Old Chapter entity was closed and Chapter to begin operation as a new entity effective 01/01/17



           -The Grants Committee is working on approval of an application from Wethersfield Youth Lacrosse

-First Stick Grant deadline from US Lacrosse is 11/21/16.

- CT Chapter grant deadline is January 31st


Members were encouraged to sell tickets for the College NCAA Championships at Gillette Stadium to be held over Memorial Day weekend, 2017.


Phil reported on The Chapter’s $2,500/$3,000 partnership with Dick’s Sporting Goods “Dick’s Day” to be held in March – promotion of a 20% off coupon.


Ralph sought commitments from Board Members for continued service on The Board for 2017.


Meeting Decisions and Points of Action:

·    Nominating Committee will contact all Board members to determine interest in continuing and will prepare slate of officers for next meeting

·        Notice will be given to Board members of potential changes to By-Laws to be discussed and voted on at next meeting

·        Notice will be given to Board members of CT Chapter elections for 2017 at next meeting


Phil moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.   


The next meeting of the Chapter will be held on Wed., December 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Cheshire High School.


Respectfully Submitted,



               Sean M. Peoples, Secretary

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