
Category: Player Statistics

General Stats Setup
Game statistics can be used to track a players progress and performance level. Your site allows you to define sets of statistics and enter data on a game by game basis for each player.
Entering Stats
Entering statistics for a game is a two step process.

  1. First, go to your team's Results page. If you've already logged into the Admin area and your team has been enabled for statistics, you will notice a chart symbol on the right side of each game displayed. Click this icon to go to the next step.
  2. The Player Statistics page is where you enter a player's data for a particular game. The top of this form lists general information about the game such as date, time, location, teams and the score. Below this are input fields for the various statistics gathered for the player's category.

    The first field, Position, is standard on all forms. You can use this field to optionally specify the actual position this person played during the game. If your team rotates positions, this is a good way to keep track.

    The remaining fields are used to enter the statistics data for this player for this game. Please enter only numeric data. You can enter up to 3 decimal places for fractional data. If you're not sure what a particular field is for, move your mouse cursor over the field and hold it there. A balloon help message will be displayed with the description entered for that statistic.

Downloading Stats
Player statistics data can be downloaded for an entire season, a league, a team or an individual player based on your choices. Choose only the season to retrieve an entire season. Optionally, choose a league or team to download all stats for an entire league or an individual team. If you choose a team, you will also be able to choose an individual member of that team. Click the Download button when you're ready to download the data for your selection.

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