
Category: Assign Rosters

Team rosters can be created by using this simple roster tool. Once the below fields are entered, the pool of participants is narrowed to a specific group. Admins can then simply click on a participant to assign them to a team.

Members can also be assigned to a team one at a time, or perhaps you need to switch someone from one team to another.

Assign a member to a team
Navigate to Admin > Members > Lookup and search for a member (if they don't exist, you may need to add them). Once found, click on their name and then the "Teams" tab within their record. From here, use the drop-downs to assign them to a team and give them a position. Click Submit to save.

How to: Assign coaches to teams

Select a Team
Select an available season from the drop down menu. Next, select a team from the resulting drop down menu. This is the team whose roster you will create.
Select Participants
From the drop down menu, select a group of participants to be available to choose from. If this is the first team you are creating a roster for you should select "All participants." Select "Currently Unassigned" for all subsequent rosters.
Member Type
You can select from "All" members, which includes parents as well as players, or "Players Only" from the drop down list.
If you have both female and male participants to choose from, you can limit your roster to "Male," "Female" or "Any".
Born Between
Use these fields to filter members by age. The field to the left is the low birthday and the one to the right is the high limit.
Between Grades
Use these fields to specify members whose school grade is between the numbers you enter here. Kindergarten is specified with a "0." For pre-k use "-1."
Registered in
Select the program from the drop down menu that the participants are registered in. If you wish to select all participants select "None."
Notes Contain
This selection is optional. Enter any keywords that you would like the roster tool to search for in the notes field. For example, if you are looking for left handed pitchers you can enter "left" in this field. This tool will work only if you have entered notes in the members information.

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