
Category: Sponsors

You can create a "Sponsors" page for your site under the Association menu that lists your association's sponsors along with a description and link to each one. In addition, each sponsor's name will be featured on the top right portion of you site at random whenever a page is displayed. These are great ways to give your sponsors the notice they deserve and to attract new ones as well. Note that if you choose not to enter any sponsors, the "Sponsors" menu choice will not appear under the Association menu, and the top right area of the site will remain blank.

To enter one or more sponsors, choose (click) the "Sponsors" choice under the Admin menu. The resulting form has the following fields:

Type the name of the sponsor here.
This will allow you to order your sponsors. Using the number "1" will place the sponsor first in the list.
This is the address (or URL) of the sponsor's web site if there is one. If the sponsor doesn't have a web site, leave this field blank.
Describe your sponsor here. You can enter as much information as you like. If the sponsor doesn't have a web site, you may want to ask him or her for a paragraph or two to put in this field. The text you enter here will appear below the sponsor's name on the Contacts page. Note that you can include HTML formatting tags in your text like "Bold" or "Italic" or even a hyperlink like: "A Web Site".
Club Sponsor
This checkbox indicates that the sponsor should be displayed on the Association Sponsors page and that their name or banner image should be part of the rotation for all pages. If unchecked, the sponsor will not de displayed in any of these places but will be available for selection as a team sponsor. See below for details.
Team Sponsor
This checkbox indicates that the sponsor will be available for selection as a team sponsor on the Team information form. Team sponsors will be featured on all pages for a particular team. The sponsor's banner will be featured at the top of all of that team's pages and their logo image will be included within each page as well.
Use this field to upload a banner image file that will be displayed at the top of pages in place of the sponsor's name. Banner images should be no more than 1000 pixels wide and any height so long as it's consistent with the height of all other sponsor banner images.
Text Banner
Use this option to display a horizontal banner above your site. This will only display the sponsors' name in text.
Use this field to upload a logo image file that will be displayed on the Sponsors page and optionally, in the right hand column of the home page, when "Sponsor Logos" has been selected. Logo images should be no more than 250 pixels wide and any height you choose.

Use the Browse button to locate the image file on your computer. The selected image will be uploaded when the form is submitted. To remove an image from the site, uncheck the box to left of the input box.

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