
Category: Recurring Games or Practices

The Recurring Event tool makes it possible to easily add a series of events that occur on a recurring basis. If your teams have regular practices or games, this can save you lots of time setting up your schedule. A word of caution: You'll need to be careful when using this tool. If you make a mistake and generate a bunch of faulty events, you'll have to delete them one by one. There is no mass delete or undo tool available on the site.

To use the Recurring Event tool, click the "Recurring Games" choice on the Admin menu. This will bring up the Recurring Event form where you'll need to fill in the following information:

The two fields at the top of the form allow you to specify how often the events occur. The first field is where you type the frequency as a number. The second lets you select the units of the frequency. If, for instance, your practice occurs every two weeks at a certain field, you would type a "2" in the first field and then select "Week(s)" from the drop-down list.
Date Range
Use these two fields to specify when to start and stop generating events. The first field specifies the date to start generating events and the second specifies when to stop. Enter dates using the form "mm/dd/yyyy" or "mm-dd-yyyy."
Enter the start and finish times for the event using the form "hh:mm." If the time is in the morning, this is all that's needed. If it's in the afternoon, you need to add a "p" to the end or use 24-hour time instead.
Select the name of the team that will have the regularly scheduled practice or game from the drop-down list. Note: Please don't select league names from the list. These are designated with an asterisk at the beginning of their names. They are here only to distinguish the various teams defined for your organization and should not be selected as a team.
Optionally select the name of an opponent team if the team selected above regularly plays another team. Note that only association teams are listed here. Leave the field with the default "NA" choice to generate events with blank opponents. These can be filled in later using the Event Information form. Note: Please don't select league names from the list. These are designated with an asterisk at the beginning of their names. They are here only to distinguish the various teams defined for your organization and should not be selected as a team.
Select the location of the event from the drop-down list. See the Facilities chapter for information about adding facilities.
Select the type (or category) of the event from the drop-down list of event categories.
Use this field to enter any notes about the event up to 32 characters.

Once you complete the form and press the Submit button, the events within the date range will be created. You can view and edit them using the Calendar and Event Information form covered elsewhere in this document.

To generate alternating practices, where a team plays on one field one week and another the following week, use the Recurring form tool twice. On the first form, enter a "2" in the first field ("Every") and select "Week(s)" from the drop down. Next enter the date range and times, and then select the first playing field from the Location drop-down. Submit the form to generate the events for the first playing field. Next, invoke the Recurring Event form again. Again enter a two-week frequency and fill in the dates starting with the first event at the second playing field. Fill in the remainder of the form fields and select the second playing field from the drop-down list. When you submit the form, you'll generate the remainder of the alternating events.

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