
Category: Import Members from File

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You can import member information from a spreadsheet file rather than entering it all by hand. To do this, you'll need to create a spreadsheet file containing a row for each member and columns across for each piece of information you wish to import. The file you create must be saved as a comma separated value (.CSV) file or as a tab delimited text file (.TXT). Files of these types can be generated in Excel using the Save As dialog box.

You can also use a file that has been downloaded from your site using the "Export Members" option. These files can be re-imported after downloading. In this way, the downloaded data can become a backup for your site's member data that can later be restored by simply re-importing it should something be added incorrectly. You can also use the downloaded data to make changes en masse and then re-import the changes.

Making changes en masse
The easiest way to make mass changes to members in your database is to first export the member data via Members > Export Members. Once downloaded, modify only the data you wish to change in the exported file and save to your computer. Then upload this file to the site and this will update the database with your changes.

The information you can include in the import file is specified below.

Note: The first line of the file must contain the names of the columns as specified below. The order they are encountered in the first line specifies the column order for all subsequent data in the file. Columns can be in any order.

(#) - denotes the number of characters that can be entered in this column. If no number exists, refer to the column definition for formatting rules.
* - denotes a required field. This column heading must be included in the import file

Internal database record ID from the member database. These numbers should only come from downloaded member data from the website and are used to identify each member's existing data record. If these numbers are not present, the software will attempt to match existing member data based on name, address, member type and email address instead. If no match is found, a new record will be created. If you are importing new members, leave this blank.
SerialNo (16) - Lacrosse & Hockey only
The member's club or organization identification number. Can contain any characters but must be numeric if your site uses auto generated numbers for new members, and should be left blank in this case for new records. This is also used for US Lacrosse Membership numbers and USA Hockey Confirmation numbers.
Expiration Date
First Name (15)*
The member's first name.
MI (1)
Middle initial.
Last Name (20)*
The member's last name
Address 1 (32)
Street address.
Address 2 (32)
Additional address information, such as "Apt. 1"
City (24)
The member's city of residence.
State (2)
The state in two-digit format.
Zip (10)
#####-####, or Canadian Postal Codes can be used.
Home Phone (14)
Any format commonly used for phone numbers such as "(###) ###-####," "###-###-####," or "###-####". Extensions can also be included by adding "x###" to the end of the phone number. All phone numbers will be reformatted to the form "###-###-####" with area codes added if omitted and can be determined from other numbers within a given area code.
Work Phone (14)
The work phone of the member.
Cell Phone (14)
The cell phone of the member.
Enter the user's cell carrier to receive text messages. Leave this blank for No Text Messages.
Email (255)
Any valid email address can be included.
Type (6)
This column can contain one of the following: "Parent", "Player" or "N/A"
Gender (1)
"M" or "F"
BirthCrt (3)
"Yes" - Indicates if a Birth Certificate (or appropriate ID form) is on file. Leave Blank if not on file.
Must be numeric. Use 0 for kindergarten, -1 for pre-k.
Weight (3)
Must be numeric. Enter the weight of the player, only numeric characters. DO NOT USE "lbs." or "pounds".
Rating (3)
A numerical whole number, 1-255. Used for a player's skill rating.
Guardian1 ID
Internal database record identifier for the first guardian. This number should only come from downloaded member data and will be used to match an existing record for this guardian. If omitted, the guardian's name, will be used to match existing data instead or used to add a new record based on the player's information.
Guardian1 First (15)
Guardian 1's first name.
Guardian1 Last (20)
Optional and if omitted or blank, the player's last name will be assumed.
Guardian1 Email (255)
Optional. If omitted or blank, child's email will be used instead.
Guardian1 Home (14)
Optional - if not entered, this field will default to the information provided for the Member. Any format commonly used for phone numbers such as "(###) ###-####" or "###-###-####" or even "###-####". Extensions can also be included by adding "x###" to the end of the phone number. All phone numbers will be reformatted to the form "###-###-####" with area codes added if omitted and can be determined from other numbers within a given area code.
Guardian1 Work (14)
Guardian 1's work phone number.
Guardian1 Cell (14)
Guardian 1's cell phone number.
Guardian2 ID
Internal database record identifier for the second guardian. Same rules apply as for the first guardian above.
Guardian2 First (14)
Guardian 2's first name.
Guardian2 Last (20)
Optional and if omitted or blank, the player's last name will be assumed.
Guardian2 Email (255)
Optional. If omitted or blank, child's email will be used instead.
Guardian2 Home (14)
Optional - if not entered, this field will default to the information provided for the Member. Any format commonly used for phone numbers such as "(###) ###-####" or "###-###-####" or even "###-####". Extensions can also be included by adding "x###" to the end of the phone number. All phone numbers will be reformatted to the form "###-###-####" with area codes added if omitted and can be determined from other numbers within a given area code.
Guardian2 Work (14)
Guardian 2's work phone number.
Guardian2 Cell (14)
Guardian 2's cell phone number.
Notes (512)
This column can contain any information you'd like to include for the member.
Team Name
This column can be used to import team assignment for your members. The team's name should be in the form of the team's alias or the hierarchal format (i.e. >League>Division>Team). If a member has multiple team assignments, you can enter up to 6 team columns.
Position (64)
Used to describe the position of the member such as manager, referee, player, goalie, etc.
Jersey # (3)
This is the players uniform or jersey number. This field can also be used to order your Board members on the "Contacts" page. For example, if the Board President should be the first name on the Contacts page, they should be assigned a number of "1". If no number is used to order Board members, the "Contacts" page will be sorted alphabetically.
Show Address
Updates the view setting for a member's contact information
Values: Public, Roster, or Private.
Show Phone
Updates the view setting for a member's contact information
Values: Public, Roster, or Private.
Show Cell
Updates the view setting for a member's contact information
Values: Public, Roster, or Private.
Show Email
Updates the view setting for a member's contact information
Values: Public, Roster, or Private.
Delete (6)
If the word "DELETE" is included in this column for any particular row, that record will be permanently deleted from the database. To delete records, you must also include the member's actual record ID to ensure a correct match. Record ID and the Delete column with the word DELETE contained within are all that's required and used to delete member records.

Separate records will be created for each guardian listed and linked to their children. If they happen to be a coach or other official, there is no need to list them on their own. If on the other hand, you have personnel that don't happen to also be parents, then you'll want to list them separately in the import file. If a parent is listed on their own line, the data encountered there will overwrite any previously inserted data created by a Guardian reference and visa versa.

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