
Category: Documents

The "Documents" choice on the Admin menu is used to upload association documents to the web site and make them available to the public through the "Documents" menu choice on the Association menu. Documents are listed there along with their descriptions, and users can download them simply by clicking on their names. Note that the "Documents" menu choice on the Association menu will not be visible unless at least one document has been uploaded. You can upload documents (or files) of any type, although MS Word or Adobe Acrobat files are the most common and most universally readable to most users. Some common types of documents include paper registration forms, code of contact statements, release forms, and club by-laws.

To upload a document, click the "Documents" menu choice on the Admin menu. The resulting form has the following fields:

Enter the name of the document as you would like it displayed on the Documents page. This can be any brief name you choose, not necessarily the file name. Use a name that clearly identifies the document to the public.
You can enter a description of the document here. This is a good place to thoroughly describe the file and give instructions on what to do with it once it is downloaded. Note that you can include HTML formatting tags in your text like "Bold" or "Italic" or even a hyperlink like: "A Web Site".
You can type the name of the document file on your computer or use the Browse button to display a file dialog box that you can use to locate the file on your computer. It is probably a good idea to limit the kinds of files you upload to those that most visitors can read, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat files. Note: While there is no limit to the amount of documents that you can have in this area, the file size of any one document cannot exceed 1 MB.

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