CT Chapter Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 13, 2017
6:30-8:30 pm
Cheshire High School
Present: Phil Schneider, Rich Heritage, Ryan Larkum, Dick Naramore, Mark Duclos, Ralph Mayo
Meeting called to order – 6:45pm
1. Review of CT Chapter Minutes – August – no action due to lack of quorum. Minutes will be submitted for approval at October Chapter meeting.
2. Treasurer’s Report – no new information to report since August meeting. Last US Lacrosse distribution is due on October 15th
3. CT Chapter initial budget was submitted on September 1st to USL. CT Chapter ask from USL for 2018 is $29,000. No revisions were made and final budget is due to US Lacrosse by October 1st.
4. CT Lacrosse Hall of Fame – Rob reported through email that all the inductees and their sponsors have been contacted and a check list of necessary items has been sent to them. Chapter will work on finalize and distributing Hall of Fame flyer. Chapter will also begin working on ads, program and silent auction for the event. Dick was able to enable the registration for the Hall of Fame and this is now available on the ctlacrosse.org website
5. Other
a. CDP Level 1 and Level 2 – no training has been scheduled at this point. New Milford has inquired about a clinic. The Chapter is looking for locations to host CDPs. Ryan will work with Arielle on newsletter to publicize the need for clinic locations.
b. Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference – this is an annual event to bring local youth lacrosse leaders together. Phil has identified November 5th as a possible date for this conference. Rich will see if Hilton Garden Inn (Wallingford) is available for this meeting.
c. Coaches Convention – Phil has reached out to NE Black Wolves about the date for the convention (January 28th). Phil has a conference call scheduled with Rich Lisk later in the month.
d. Hartford PAL Lacrosse – Joe Cullen reached out Ryan and Phil about starting a youth lacrosse program through the Hartford PAL. Phil will follow up with Joe to see what type of assistance he is looking for and how the Chapter can help.
e. Website Conversion – Arielle indicated that information had been transferred to the new SI Play website. Chapter will continue to maintain the League Athletics website through the Hall of Fame and Coaches Convention to handle registration for those events.
f. D & I Grants – Chapter received a check from US Lacrosse for $1000 from a D & I grant. We are looking for D & I opportunities to support.
g. Intro to Lacrosse Day – Chapter is looking for locations to conduct an Intro to Lacrosse or Try Lax Day. Possibility of Hartford or Bridgeport.
h. US Lacrosse Annual Report – Phil shared the USL annual report. Chapter had donated to the US Lacrosse Foundation in the past, but there is no planned donation for this year.
i. CT Chapter Meet and Greet – Chapter held initial Meet & Greet in February and will look to hold a similar event in the future.
j. CT Chapter Grants – Information has been added to the grant mission. Mark asked to have the Grant Committee minutes updated on the website. Phil and Mark will work on this. Early grant period ends on September 30th.
6. Meeting Decisions and Points of Action
a. Phil will submit final 2018 budget by October 1st
b. Phil will work with Ryan and Arielle on next Chapter newsletter
c. Board members will begin work on coaches’ convention
d. Rich will book conference room for Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference on November 5th
e. Phil will work with Hartford PAL on an Intro to Lacrosse Day
f. Board members will begin planning for next Meet and Greet event
Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
Next Meeting – Wednesday October 11, 2017