Members Guide

Signup for a Volunteer Event

If your organization uses the Volunteering tool, you'll be able sign up for these opportunities on the website.

1. Locate and click the Volunteer page.
From your organization's homepage, locate and click the Volunteer page to view the available volunteer opportunities.

2. Click "Sign up" for an opportunity.
The resulting page will display a list of available volunteering opportunities. To sign up for one, click the black "Sign up" button.

3. Sign in to your account.
Enter your email address and personal password to login to your account.

4. Click the (now) green "Sign up" button.
Click the "Sign up" button, which has now turned green, to confirm your selection.

4. Assignment complete.
Once you have been assigned, you will see the green button text turn to "Assigned" and a pop-up indicating this has been completed. You will also receive an email indicating your assignment.

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