Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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CT Chapter of US Lacrosse Meeting Minutes

 Monday, January 5th, 6:30-8:30 PM

Staples High School, 70 North Avenue, Westport CT

Present: Rich Heritage, Phil Schneider, Debbie Eck, Mitchell Felton, Mike Scanlan, Will Mraz, Bill Glenn, Roger Silva, Randy Bayliss, Jen Stahl, Ralph Mayo, Drew McElroy, Tom Lynch

Meeting called to order at 6:50pm

1.    Officer Elections

President Rich Heritage presented the new slate of CT Chapter Board Members to the meeting attendees.

The following slate of Board Members was unanimously approved

·         President – Phil Schneider

·         Vice President – Women’s Game – Liz Mosher

·         Vice President – Men’s Game – Drew McElroy

·         Secretary – Laudymarie Rosado

·         Treasurer – Mitch Felton

·         Official’s Rep (Boys) – Mike Scanlan

·         Official’s Rep (Girls) – Randy Bayliss

·         High School Rep (Girls) – Bill Glenn

·         High School Rep (Boys) – Ralph Mayo

·         Youth Rep (Girls) – OPEN

·         Youth Rep (Boys) – Al DiVincentis

·         Past President – Rich Heritage

There is presently an opening for a Girls’ Youth Representative.

2.    Committee Appointments

·         Newly elected President, Phil Schneider, outlined the responsibilities for the committees below and encouraged the new Board Members to choose to serve as a committee coordinator.

·         Board Members will email their preferences for committee coordinators

·         Rob Hoynes will continue to serve as Hall of Fame Committee Coordinator

·         Mark Duclos will continue to serve as Grant Committee Coordinator

a.    Coaches Education

b.    Events

c.    Communication

d.    Hall of Fame – Rob Hoynes

e.    Grants – Mark Duclos

f.     Fundraising

g.    Sportsmanship

h.    Marketing


3.    CT Chapter Budget Allocation – 2015

·         CT Chapter budget request for 2015 was $33,000.

·         US Lacrosse approved budget for CT Chapter for $30,000 for 2015

·         2015 Allocation schedule: February 1 - $2,050; May 1 - $19,565, October 1 - $8,385

4.    By-Law Review

·         Discussion about changing organization name is by-laws from “Connecticut Lacrosse Foundation” to “CT Chapter of US Lacrosse”. Rich and Phil will look into process for changing name.

·         Other minor changes, mostly typos, to by-laws were approved. By-laws will be amended and uploaded to the CT Chapter website.

5.    Calendar of Events

·         Phil provided a list of CT Chapter, US Lacrosse and other lacrosse related events for 2015. The list will be uploaded to the CT Chapter website.

·         We are also looking for any youth tournament dates and information that can be added to the list of lacrosse events.

6.    Youth Coaches Clinic – March 8th – Albertus Magnus

·         Coaches’ clinic schedule and flyer from 2014 were reviewed. Phil will revise the flyer for the 2015 Youth Coaches Clinic.

·         Presenters are needed for the coaches’ clinic. Phil and Rich will begin to contact high school coaches

·         Drew McElroy suggested that a PCA clinic could be conducted at the clinic. Phil and Rich will look into the possibility of a condensed PCA program at the clinic.

7.    Program Challenges – How can the Chapter assist?

Time did not allow for any further discussion on this topic.

8.    Housekeeping

a.    Hall of Fame Dinner – January 31st

Reminder email blast will be sent in next two weeks

b.    CT Chapter Grants Deadline – January 31st

Reminder will be put on Chapter website home page.

c.    CEP Level 1 – March 1st – Trumbull

d.    CEP Level 1 – March 8th - New Canaan

Discussion about future CEP clinics to be conducted by new programs that do receive grants from the Chapter.

9.    New Business

No new business was discussed

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm

Next Meeting – Monday February 2, 2015, 6:30pm, East Lyme High School

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