Attendance: Michael Colavecchio, Cori Distler, Rich Heritage, Rob Hoynes, Bobby Marusi, Mark Murdoch, Dick Naramore, Rob Peterson, Phil Schneider, Pat Thibadeau.
Call to Order: 7:10 PM by Rich Heritage, President
President and Treasurer’s Report
Rich stated that the dates for coaches’ training and education opportunities are being firmed up. Yale is not available for this year’s CT Coaches Convention. Discussion followed re: the upcoming coaches’ conference events and how to best offer coaching education opportunities without conflicting with each other. A suggestion was made to have the CT Coaches Convention be for youth level coaches only this year. Idea was to hold it in early March to tap into the timing of the youth programs’ start of season. For high school coaches, there are 2 events already available for them to attend: the college coach’s convention and the USL coach’s convention. CONNY also usually holds their coaches convention at this time. There was discussion about working more closely with them.
Rich reviewed the Treasurer’s report. There was a capital expense last year for the LCD projector and screen. Uniforms were purchased for the Boys Super Juniors which was also a big expense. They are expected to last 5 years. Rich commented on our need to be more effective in promoting our grant opportunities. There was discussion on making the amounts contributed to the men’s and women’s official organizations more equitable. The expenses for the Super Juniors games depend on where it is held. Last year it was tied in with the CONNY tournament.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved.
Committee Reports:
Hall of Fame
Rob Hoynes reported that the event ended up $700 in the black. The feedback on the The Aqua Turf was great re: price, parking, and location. There was discussion about how to improve the event. Discussed making it annual or biennial, producing a more professional event program including a bio page for each inductee, increasing the event advertising and advertising sooner with “save the date” notices and ads in the All-State programs. Also discussed tying in a charity, possibly the Wounded Warrior Project. Rob suggested a November 11th date for 2012.
Training and Education
Rich stated that the registration for the USL Coaches Clinics will be active and online by the end of the week.
Feb. 12, 2012: Level One in Groton, CT
March 4, 2012: Level Two in Farmington, CT
March 18, 2012: Level One in Norwalk is tentative
The USL Coaches Certification process was clarified again. Anyone can take any level online course or in-person clinic, but in order to be “Certified,” there are criteria for each level:
Level One: 1) Online course, 2) In-person clinic, 3) PCA course, 4) completed certification paperwork including a background check.
Level Two: 1) Level One Certification, 2) Level Two Online course, 3) Level Two In-person clinic, 4) completed certification paperwork.
U13 and U15 Youth Festivals
The formation of teams representing CT will be discussed at the next CLF meeting in January.
Super Juniors
Pat reported that Choate and Wesleyan have been selected for the location for the first and second boys’ tryouts.
It’s important to avoid conflicts with any other tournaments. The girl’s location has not been finalized yet, but Choate is preferred over Wesleyan due to darkness and no lights.
Pat plans on having a boys’ committee meeting in January. It’s critical that high school coaches are involved.
New Business:
Girls Youth Officiating Training
There was discussion about the CWLOA and the level of the CLF’s involvement re: the youth officiating clinic registration process. It is hoped that the CWLOA will be independent and the CLF website will be used only for posting.
Election of Officers
Rich announced the slate to date, recognizing that there are still vacancies.
President - Rich Heritage
VP Men & Boys - Bobby Marusi
VP Women & Girls - Phil Schneider
Secretary - Cori Distler
High School Rep Boys - Rich Pulisciano
High School Rep Girls - Mark Duclos
College Rep Men - vacant
College Rep Women - vacant
Post Collegiate Men - vacant
Post Collegiate Women - vacant
Youth Rep Boys -
Youth Rep Girls - Cari McCann and Lee Ogden
Officials Rep Men - Ted Murphy
Officials Rep Women - George Longyear
At Large Rep Men & Boys - vacant
At Large Rep Women & Girls - vacant
Athlete Rep Men & Boys - vacant
Athlete Rep Women & Girls – vacant
Past President – Pat Thibadeau
Suggestions from members:
Make CLF website more interactive with leagues and town programs.
Highlight a college game of the week on the CLF website.
Update and use the calendar feature on the homepage of the CLF website.
Rotate the location of the monthly CLF meetings. East Lyme will host the January meeting.
Have town programs “host” our meetings.
Adjourned: 9:05 PM
Next CT Lacrosse Foundation Meeting: January 11, 2011, 7 PM at East Lyme High School.