Attendance: Randy Bayliss, Michael Colavecchio, Cori Distler, Rich Heritage, Marybeth Hodson, Rob Hoynes, George Longyear, Phil Schneider, Pat Thibideau, Gary Velardi.
Call to Order: 7:10 PM by Rich Heritage, President
President’s Report Rich stated that the overall feeling from the executive board re: the CT Coaches Convention was positive. Things went smoothly at the facility, we were happy with the presenters, and the keynote speaker was very good. Feedback from those in attendance at this meeting was also mostly positive. Suggestion was made to perhaps have specific topics to discuss at the Coaches’ Roundtables so that the time allotted is used most effectively. Another suggestion was to have a designated classroom for the girls’ rules interpretation session. George Longyear is looking into getting credit for those who attended to satisfy their rules interpretation requirement. Suggestion was made to have a rules interpretation session occur before the start of the convention. One member asked if it was possible to have the CCC satisfy the CONNY coaching requirement. It will be looked into for next year.
Rich reported that attendance at the CCC was as follows: 49% women’s division, 42% men’s division, and 9% both.
VP Women Report Marybeth reported that Super Juniors will be a CT only event this year (last year MA joined us). The tryout is tentatively scheduled for June 13th at Wesleyan. The game is tentatively scheduled for June 16th at Yale.
Marybeth reported on the new format for the National Youth Festival. There will be 4 regional sites as opposed to 1 national site. Those in attendance agreed that this makes it easier for folks to reach and more affordable, but the May 20-22 date is terrible for the town youth programs. The CT teams could attend one of the other locations at a later date, but it would then involve air fare. There was little enthusiasm expressed for the addition of the U-11 division. There was also concern expressed re: the U-15 National Championship qualifying rounds being held at the same locations on the same dates because of the dichotomy. Rich confirmed that the Chapters were not asked for input re: the new format.
It was agreed that our CLF website should include information on both the National Youth Festivals and the U-15 National Championship. The executive board will meet in the near future to discuss formation of CT teams.
Grant Committee Mark Duclos is still in need of volunteers to serve on the Grant Committee. The Grant Committee commitment amounts to approximately 6 hours per year.
Men & Boys Pat reported that the Super Junior tryouts will be on June 12th and June 15th. The tryout and game locations are being finalized. Pat asked for volunteers to serve on the Super Junior committee, especially high school coaches. Pat states that there are typically about 230-240 boys at the first tryout, about 100 who make it to the second, and 48 players are then chosen for the game. He said the college coaches attend the tryouts far more than the actual game. The SJ committee may look into increasing the number of participants in the game. He said there were a few requests from college coaches to have a Super Sophomore event.
Training and Education There is a PCA workshop on February 12th in Wallingford.
There is a Level II Coaches’ Clinic on February 5th in Stratford.
Farmington is working on hosting a Level I Coaches’ Clinic on March 13th.
Anyone interested in hosting a PCA workshop can contact Rich for assistance. Randy reported for the CWLOA (CT Women’s Lacrosse Officials Organization):
He said the dates and information for Adult Officiating classes are on their website:
The training for Youth Officials is about to start. He will be sending information out soon re: how to host the classes. He added that CONNY Girls will require 1 Adult ref and 1 Youth ref for their A + B level games.
CT continues to be one of the leading states when it comes to training girls youth officials. There are 4 Boys Youth Officiating classes posted on the CLF website. There are being held in Norwich, Waterbury, and South Windsor.
CT Hall of Fame Committee Rob Hoynes reported that they are considering Yale or the Aqua Turf Club for the location in November. Yale would cost about $30 more per head and parking would most likely be an issue. All in attendance preferred the Aqua Turf Club location.
Member Comments Pat suggested an alternate location for the next Chapter meeting to be fair to those who travel a distance to get to Cheshire. All in attendance agreed that Cheshire remains the most central location for most.
Adjourned: 8:55 PM
Next CT Lacrosse Foundation Meeting: Tuesday, February 15, 7 PM at Cheshire High School.
Tentative future meeting dates: 3/14/11, 4/11/11.
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