Meeting Minutes – November 15, 2010
Attendance: Darryl Delia, Cori Distler, Mark Duclos, Heather Ferrer, Rich Heritage, Marybeth Hodson, Rob Hoynes, Geoff Knapp, Sandy MacMullen, Jim May, Pat Thibideau, Gary Velardi.
Call to Order: 7:10 PM by Rich Heritage, President
President’s Report
Rich welcomed the group. Discussed the Foundation’s mission of promoting the growth of lacrosse in CT through information, education, training, program support and development.
The 3rd annual CT Coaches Convention will be on Sunday, January 9, 2011. There are also 6-7 PCA workshops available to the Foundation membership. Coaches just need to make a request through Rich and arrange a location. Workshops typically draw 40-50 people. The goal is to have the worshops in a variety of locations throughout the state.
The Foundation primarily focuses on the training of Youth level officials. Most girls’ youth games are officiated by Youth level officials.
Rich is our interim CLF Treasurer. He asked if everyone could spread the word that we are in need of a Treasurer.
Secretary’s Report
Cori asked for input and feedback re: the Foundation website, welcoming comments and suggestions.
VP Women Report
Marybeth reported that Super Juniors went well. The player attendance was good but the college coaches’ attendance was low. Anyone interested in helping out with the 2011 event should contact Marybeth. Holly Wheeler will continue to run the tryouts. Discussion followed re: how to better market the event. Suggestion was made to more clearly articulate the purpose of Super Juniors and explore which players we are targeting, as several of the top tier players have already committed to colleges. Marybeth reported that there will be a meeting on Friday, November 19th to discuss and plan the agenda for the Girls side of this year’s CT Coaches’ Convention. All are welcome to attend. Her goal is to get the agenda all wrapped up by the holidays.
Marybeth reported that the 2010 U-13 and U-15 USL Youth Festival events also went well. She said the Lower New England tryout was less well attended this year for a few reasons which have since been rectified. Lisa Parsons is planning to attend the December Foundation meeting and will address plans for the 2011 LNE tryouts.
VP Men & Boys
Rich reported for Bobby. The 2010 U-13 and U-15 USL Youth Festival went well. The Boys’ Super Junior event went well. They had 254 players attend the tryouts from which 50 players were selected. 78 college coaches attended.
Treasurer’s Report
Rich distributed a Schedule of Cash Flow for the period 1/1/10 to 9/30/10. Most of the Foundation’s income was from “dues rebates” from US Lacrosse ($21,603). Pat Thibideau also requested program grants from US Lacrosse which accounted for $1500. Rich again asked that anyone interested in the treasurer’s position should contact him. He stated that the Foundation writes approximately 100-125 checks per year.
Committee Reports:
CT Coaches’ Convention
The 2011 CCC will take place on Sunday, January 9th at Yale. Anyone interested in helping with the convention or being a presenter, or if anyone would like to recommend a presenter, should contact Rich, Pat, or Marybeth.
Grant Committee
Mark Duclos reported that 6 grant requests have been approved by the Grant Committee and were submitted to the Executive Committee for approval. Mark put a call out for volunteers to serve on the Grant Committee. The goal is to have each group represented, so volunteers are needed for women’s officials, CONNY, men’s and women’s public high schools, DI private schools, and women’s post graduate. The Grant Committee commitment amounts to approximately 6 hours per year.
CT Hall of Fame Committee
Rob Hoynes reported that the inaugural event this past January went well. Seven people were inducted. Next event is planned for October or November of 2011. The nomination criteria are posted on the Foundation’s website. Rob is seeking more volunteers to serve on the committee. There was a suggestion to hold the HOF dinner in connection with another lacrosse event, as in a college fall ball round robin, to bolster its visibility and attendance.
New Business
Sticks for Soldiers is an annual charity event held at Fairfield Ludlowe High School to raise funds for wounded servicemen and women. This year’s focus is raising funds for Army Specialist Brendan Marrocco, a quadruple amputee who survived his duty in Iraq. CONNY is donating $1000. The Foundation was called upon to do the same. Support for a Foundation donation of $500-$1000 was voiced.
Member Comments
Discussion about how to best get a Board of Education to recognize the need for and to fund a Varisty High School team. Gary Velardi from Wallingford said their youth program is large but the BOE has declined funding a high school teams to date. Suggestions included: get parent involvement and have a large showing at the BOE meetings, have parents write letters to the BOE, give the BOE statistics – ex: number of players in the feeder program, ask for partial funding from BOE to get things started, look into possibility of a joint program with the 2 high schools to save costs.
Adjourned: 8:30 PM
Next CT Lacrosse Foundation Meeting: Monday, December 13, 2010, 7 PM at Cheshire High School.
Tentative future meeting dates: 1/17/11, 2/14/11, 3/14/11, 4/11/11.