Meeting Minutes – October 19, 2009
Meeting called to order by Rich Heritage at 7:10 pm
In attendance: Phil Schneider, Steven Hinchey, Ted Murphy, Mike Andreana, Randy Bayliss, Jamie Czejkowski, Brigid Stain, Jillian Byers, Anne Phillips, Bob Lewis, Rob Hoynes, John Raba, Shawn Breen, Mark Duclos, Jodee Heritage, Marilyn Gardner, Rick McCarthy, Vinny Tibeau, Mike Whitney, Rob Peterson, Nathan Chubet, Sara Griesbach, Sara DuPont, Pat Thibadeau, Scott Hess,
President’s Report
Rich spoke about volunteering for chapter activities. Discussed Preston Smith's passing and acknowledged his role with the chapter. A discussion was had regarding naming an event or
scholarship in his name. To be continued.
Convention date of Jan 10, 2010 at Yale. Need to start to get organized.
Overview of education, Level 1's and PCA's went well. Upcoming
training in the works.
Youth festivals and Super Junior overview, successful events.
Need a new Secretary and Treasurer. Tom Whelan has served well for
years but would like to step down.
Yale women’s lacrosse coaches spoke and would be willing to help
educate and train youth and high school coaches. They would like to get more involved in local lacrosse in CT.
VP Girls
Reviewed success of Girls Youth Festival
Need new High School Girls Rep
Discussed lack of girls’ youth ref's and a discussion was had regarding training of more officials. Recognized Randy Bayliss of the CWLOA for his assistance in developing the updated registration process for training.
Jodee Heritage reviewed success of girls Super J's
VP Boys: Rich reviewed Youth Festival, Pat reviewed Super J's
Treasurer’s Report
Rich distributed and reviewed current financial statements.
Committee Reports:
Grant Committee
No grant requests were submitted by the end of the latest deadline (September 30). Mark Duclos gave a brief explanation of the grant program and what it benefits. He encouraged everyone to get their grant application in by the next deadline (April 15)
Hall of Fame
Rob Hoynes and his committee are working on gathering nominees.
Format for whole procedures are under review. Discussion of banquet
on Jan 9, the night before convention at Yale. Want to have 12 people
on voting or approval committee
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm