Connecticut Chapter of US Lacrosse
Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference
Date: Sunday November 5, 2017
Time: 12:30pm-3:30pm
Place: Hilton Garden Inn, 1181 Barnes Road, Wallingford, CT 06492
Directions: Exit 15 of Route 91, Route 68 East in Wallingford
US Lacrosse
Ryan Larkum
CT Chapter
Phil Schneider
Sean Cole
Lindsey Jardine
Bruce Backus
Nate Carlson
Jamie Czajkowski (CWLOA)
Joe Cullen – Hartford PAL
Don Wilson – Bridgeport Youth Lacrosse
Danie Caro - Dodgers
Alec Pacelli – New England Black Wolves
I. Introductions and Goals
a. Provide a forum to connect different lacrosse organizations in Connecticut.
b. Allow organizations the opportunity to share problems, solutions and best practices
c. Information should be shared with local league organizations (LLO) and specific actions from the meeting should be implemented
II. Review of Youth Leadership Conference Action Items – 2016
a. Continue discussion of Introductory Package to Lacrosse (Education and Training)
i. No Action was taken on this item
ii. Discussion about providing an Intro to Lacrosse clinic in Bridgeport around Youth Football Championships
iii. Possibility of conduction clinic in Bridgeport or Hartford
iv. Organizations are encouraged to apply for Sankofa Clinic grants
v. Phil is planning to organize a youth clinic and CDP at Mohegan Sun during Christmas break
b. Committee to support Hall Neighborhood House Anti-Bulling Event (Fuel the Growth)
i. No action taken on this item
ii. Rachel Smith was not in attendance, but consensus to pursue this clinic again this year
c. Contact programs that applied, but did not receive USL grants (Fuel the Growth)
i. Soft Stick and First Stick grant recipients were invited to conference
ii. Non-grant winners have been contacted and will continue practice in the future.
d. Committee to collect and distribute donated equipment (Support LLOs)
i. No action taken on this item
ii. Several ideas about stick and equipment donations for this year.
iii. Black Wolves already conduct a stick collection through Operation Baggataway
iv. Nate offered to have stick collection during CVGYL scheduling meeting
v. Joe said that collection could be conducted at Univ. of Hartford games
vi. Jamie said that collection could be conducted during CONNY tournament
vii. Phil will house and distribute equipment
III. Review of Chapter Activities, Events and Initiatives (attached)
a. Phil reviewed CES 2.0 which outlined core and elective initiatives for each chapter
b. Phil mentioned the development of CEC 2.1 to evaluate the effectiveness of Chapters in relationship to CES 2.0.
IV. Discussion about US Lacrosse CES 2.0 Initiatives
a. Education and Training
i. New Coaches Development Program (CDP) is called Developing the Individual Athlete (DIA) which is now a 3 hour on-field, interactive clinic
ii. Chapter is scheduled to conduct DIA on January 7th in New Milford, but are looking for other locations for DIA and Level 2 clinics.
iii. Discussion about Youth and Coaches clinic at Mohegan Sun on Thursday December 28th or Friday December 29th. Planning has just begun.
iv. Discussion about CT Chapter Coaches Clinic at Mystic Indoor Sports on Saturday February 3rd. Planning has just begun.
v. Lindsey asked about training opportunities for youth umpires
1. CLOA information has been posted on Chapter website
2. CWLOA information is on Larry Stowe is the contact person for youth umpire training
3. Danie mentioned that Dodgers conduct umpire training for their players
4. Some discussion about a regional model for assigning youth umpires. CONNY has assignors for umpires, but other leagues do not.
b. Fuel the Growth of the Sport
i. Several programs received grants from US Lacrosse
1. See list of chapter activities for First Stick and Soft Stick grant recipients
2. Chapter will continue to reach out to programs that do not receive grants to see how Chapter can assist.
ii. Revisited concept of Intro to Lacrosse Day
c. Support Local Lacrosse Organizations (LLOs)
i. Continued discussion about forming a committee to deal with collecting and distributing donated equipment
ii. Discussion about utilizing Chapter newsletter to include parent meeting letter and pre-season meeting agenda to assist new coaches.
d. Drive Chapter Visibility
i. CT Chapter will again have a presence at NCAA Championships at Gillette Stadium in May
V. Review of Constituent Services Budget
a. Meeting held in August with constituent groups
b. Budget submitted to US Lacrosse by September 1st
c. Outlined CT Chapter Expenses, Revenue and Reserves
d. Format from US Lacrosse that also draws from reserves when determining ask from USL
e. Chapter is requesting over $29,000 from USL for programs and services
f. Budget has not been approved at the time of the meeting
VI. Discussion related to Sports Development and Best Practices
a. Youth Rules
i. Some discussion about success of 10U short-sided, small field rules.
ii. Most leagues have experienced some growing pains with new rules, but feel that this year will be better.
b. Box Lacrosse Rules
i. US Lacrosse has approved rules for Box Lacrosse
ii. Players will be required to wear regulation lacrosse helmets
iii. Cross checking and boarding are not allowed
c. Age Verification – no discussion
d. Athlete Development Model – no discussion
e. Coaches Education and Training Requirements – discussion earlier in conference
f. Community Partnerships
i. Black Wolves and Dick’s are continuing to look for ways to work with local lacrosse organizations
g. Private Enterprise
i. Danie suggested utilizing club players for clinics. Players are always looking for community service opportunities and would be available to help with clinics
ii. Danie recommended working with clubs in training of youth umpires
iii. Phil will plan a future meeting with private enterprise organization to discuss additional ways that clubs and the Chapter can work together
VII. Meeting Decisions and Points of Action
a. Organize an Introductory to Lacrosse Day. Possible sites in Bridgeport or Hartford
b. Organize stick/equipment donation events
c. Create Chapter newsletter to send to members with information about conducting a pre-season parents meeting
d. Conduct meeting with private enterprise organizations to discuss relationship with Chapter
Meeting Adjourned at 3:30pm