Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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Connecticut Chapter of US Lacrosse

Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference

Date:               Sunday November 13, 2016

Time:               12:30pm-3:30pm

Place:              Hilton Garden Inn, 1181 Barnes Road, Wallingford, CT 06492

Directions:       Exit 15 of Route 91, Route 68 East in Wallingford


US Lacrosse

Ryan Larkum

CT Chapter

Phil Schneider

Sean Cole

Bill Glenn

Randy Bayliss (CWLOA, CONNY)


Heather Iaderosa


Nate Carlson


Adam Kaufman


Rachel Smith – Hall Neighborhood House

Dan LaBreck – Dick’s Sporting Goods

Matthew Hulbert – New England Black Wolves

I.       Introductions and Goals

a.     Provide a forum to connect different lacrosse organizations in Connecticut.

b.     Allow organizations the opportunity to share problems, solutions and best practices

c.      Information should be shared with local league organizations (LLO) and specific actions from the meeting should be implemented

II.               Review of Chapter Activities, Events and Initiatives (attached)

a.     Ryan mentioned that we are in the top 5 of Chapters as far as activities and events

b.     Randy asked are there things that other Chapters do that we do not do?

                                                    i.     Fund Raising - Golf Tournament, 5K Road Race, Youth Tournament

III.              Discussion about US Lacrosse CES 2.0 Initiatives (attached)

a.     Education and Training

                                                    i.     Discussion about possibly starting an Introductory Package to Lacrosse that includes a Learn to Play Clinic for parents, CDP Level 1 clinic for coaches and an introduction to lacrosse clinic for players all at the same time

                                                   ii.     Discussion about CT Chapter Coaches Clinic at Mohegan Sun on Sunday January 29th. Planning has just begun.

b.     Fuel the Growth of the Sport

                                                    i.     Rachel Smith from Hall Neighborhood House conducts an anti-bullying event in June with local middle school students

1.     Suggested to utilize this event to conduct an Introduction to Lacrosse day

2.     Recruit players and coaches to assist with this event and provide some type of community service certificate to the students

3.     Committee needs to be formed to assist with this event

                                                   ii.     Several programs received grants from US Lacrosse

1.     Stratford Sterling House and Amistad Academy Middle School

2.     Recommendation was made to reach out to programs that applied but did not receive grants to see if CT Chapter could support them

                                                  iii.     First Stick Grants are available – application deadline is November 21st

                                                 iv.     Discussion about a 24 Hours of Lacrosse event at Mohegan Sun

c.      Support Local Lacrosse Organizations (LLOs)

                                                    i.     Discussion about forming a committee to deal with collecting and distributing donated equipment

                                                   ii.     Discussion about need to protect established programs from other sports

1.     Ledyard youth lacrosse does not have any players to field teams

2.     Soccer has taken over much of the youth players in the spring

3.     What role should CT Chapter take is assisting youth programs?

d.     Drive Chapter Visibility

                                                    i.     CT Chapter presence at NCAA Championships at Gillette Stadium in May

IV.             Review of Constituent Services Budget

a.     Meeting held in August with constituent groups

b.     Budget submitted to US Lacrosse by September 1st

c.      Outlined CT Chapter Expenses, Revenue and Reserves

d.     New format from US Lacrosse that also draws from reserves when determining ask from USL

e.     Chapter is requesting over $31,700 from USL for programs and services

f.       Budget has not been approved at the time of the meeting

V.               Discussion related to Sports Development and Best Practices

a.     Player Segmentation

                                                    i.     CONNY, CVYL, and NECLAX have all reviewed USL recommendations for player segmentation and are planning to implement with several modifications

b.     Youth Rules

                                                    i.     CONNY is planning to implement new rules at Junior and Senior levels. They are still discussing Bantam/Lightening rules

                                                   ii.     CVYL and NECLAX are implementing new rules

                                                  iii.     CVGYL has not voted, but will probably accept new rules

c.      Age Verification

                                                    i.     Ryan reported over 20,000 players have been age verified

                                                   ii.     Rachel asked if height and weight limitations should be part of age verification

                                                  iii.     This is a one-time process, so players height and weight may be different

d.     Athlete Development Model – no discussion

e.     Coaches Education and Training Requirements

                                                    i.     All leagues require head coaches to be at least Level 1 trained in first year and certified by year two.

f.       Community Partnerships

                                                    i.     Black Wolves and Dick’s are continuing to look for ways to work with local lacrosse organizations

VI.             Meeting Decisions and Points of Action

a.     Continue discussion of Introductory Package to Lacrosse (Education and Training)

b.     Committee to support Hall Neighborhood House Anti-Bulling Event (Fuel the Growth)

c.      Contact programs that applied, but did not receive USL grants (Fuel the Growth)

d.     Committee to collect and distribute donated equipment (Support LLOs)


Meeting Adjourned at 3:30pm


CT Chapter Activities, Events and Initiatives 2016


·       Chapter Meetings – monthly – November, December, January, February, March, August (CSB)

·       Completed process of incorporation as a recognized entity in state of Connecticut

·       Revised CT Chapter By-Laws and adopted on August 18, 2016

·       Revised CT Lacrosse Hall of Fame procedures, committee and timeline

·       Created partnership with Dick’s Sporting Goods

·       Created guidelines for selecting and indoor lacrosse facility/league

·       Activities and Events:

§  Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Dinner – November 19th (Scheduled)

§  Induction of seven new members to Hall of Fame

·       Tim Knowles - Player

·       Tyler Hardy - Player

·       Graham Harden - Player

·       Jenn Ward Meres - Player

·       Carl Taylor – Contributor

·       Bob Russell – Contributor

·       Lisa Parsons - Coach

§ Coaches Education Programs – Level 1 – Milford March 5th, Vernon March 6th

                                                   Level 2 – Stamford February 7th

                                                                        Learn to Play Clinic – Middletown April 3rd

§  Women’s National Tournament – May 28-29th – CT Chapter teams – held try-outs at Choate and three teams competed in tournament at Lehigh University

§  Girls Super Junior Game – June 16th – Cheshire Academy

·       Awareness and Visibility Initiative

§  Attended Coastal Jam (NECLAX) Tournament and MLL Semi-Finals Game (Fairfield University) to distribute promotional items and US Lacrosse information

§  CT Chapter Grant Awards

§  Cromwell Youth Lacrosse

·       Diversity and Inclusion Grant

§  Chapter 126 Sports & Fitness Wheelchair Lacrosse Program (Executive Board Grant)

·       Urban Lacrosse Alliance –

§  New London Youth Lacrosse

·       Soft Stick Grant Recipient –

§  Ridgefield Academy

§  Milford Youth Lacrosse

§  Preston Public Schools

§  Stratford Sterling House Lacrosse

§  Community Impact Grant

§  Stratford Sterling House

§  Urban Outreach Grant

§  Amistad Academy Middle School

§  US Lacrosse Girls All-America Selection Committee

§  Supported umpire training and mentoring

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