Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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CT Chapter Meeting Minutes                         

Wednesday, March 9, 2016                           

6:30pm – 9:00 pm

East Lyme High School ~ 30 Chesterfield Road,  East Lyme, CT



Present:  Phil Schneider, Sean M. Peoples, Lindsay Jardine, Sean Cole, Drew McElroy, Rich Heritage, Ralph Mayo, Will Mraz, Mitchell Felton.  There were two guests present from East Lyme Youth Lacrosse: Rich McCaffrey and Shawn Pierce.


The Meeting was called to order at 6:55 p.m.


·                  Phil stated this will be the last meeting before August.  There followed brief introductions.                

·                  Review of meeting minutes from February 10, 2016 meeting, no further discussion.

·                  Committee Meetings – based on the small group, Phil suggested an open discussion of                Committee developments/update.


o    Coaches Education


o    Outreach/exposure will expose coaches to the Chapter’s existence.

§  Hall Neighborhood House update on facility, equipment and program development.

§  Outreach to women’s programs, attempts to make US Lacrosse membership relevant to High School athletes.

§  Follow up on initiatives in 2016.


o    Coaches Education – Phil

§  Clinic in Milford update - attended by 35 coaches, well received. Suitability of facility for these events should be a future consideration.

§  Chapter could be more proactive in establishing better coordination with clinic programs & CEP offered by CONNY.

§  Discussion on offering 2 coaching clinics in the fall; 2 clinics in the spring.

§  Report on Vernon clinic; women’s program was cancelled due to poor attendance; men’s program had 27 attendees.

§  Discussion on Gold Stick Standard requirements for best practices.

§  Discussion on low attendance at the coaching clinics, consider CEP exit survey for feedback.


o    Events – Phil

§  The March 12th clinic was cancelled due to lack of registrants – more needs to be done to bolster attendance.

§  Open dialog with youth programs in Eastern MA as to their problems (time frame, weather considerations, completing clinics, facilities, and query when coaches want clinics offered).



o    Communications/Social Media

§  Facebook site is growing and getting some responses.

§  Discussion of retaining a college intern to work on Chapter website.


o    Treasurer’s Report – Mitch

§  $58,694.00 balance in account

§  Discussion on bringing in advertisers and corporate sponsorship dollars to bridge gap with decreased funding ($28,000) from USL in 2016.

§  CT Day of Lacrosse giving – charity events for raising organization funds.

§  Meeting with USL National chair meeting next week to discuss funding.

§  Better outreach to local CT programs to raise awareness and funding

§  Allocation reduction is across the board.

Ø  $65,000 in revenue

Ø  $86,464 in expenses

Ø  $21,320 in net losses

Ø  $38,375 in net reserves


o    Hall of Fame Committee – Phil

§  Ahead of schedule for vetting 60 applications and getting down to 13 candidates for class of 2016.

§  Phil will create a ballot for the 13 candidates to narrow the class down to 5 or 6 of exceptional candidates.

§  Banquet in November.

§  Soliciting ads for the program book.

§  Silent auction items.


o    Grants Committee

§  Awarded one (1) in the fall.

§  $1,000.00 grant to Town of Cromwell.

§  Received a $750.00 grant request from the girl’s program at St. Paul’s (private) School in Bristol - to be reviewed by the Executive Committee.

§  This was the only grant application received for the spring 2016 application period.

§  September 30th and January 31st deadline for grant requests.

§  Awareness through website and by word of mouth, newsletter.

§  Chapter 126 grant request was initially denied but may be reviewed by Executive Committee and categorized it as a “diversity awareness grant”.

§  Request of the Committee to draft criteria for grants.


o    CT Chapter Related Issues – Al

§  Indoor lacrosse league guidelines (see attached guidelines).

§  Discussion over facilities, officiating, coaching (certifications, qualifications, screening, level of behavior), safety considerations, equipment checks.

§  These guidelines should raise awareness for the Chapter to become more proactive in training officials - USL insurance coverage considerations.

Ø  USL insurance coverage does not extend to indoor box lacrosse where cross-checking or boarding are permitted.

§  Discussion on what qualifications parents should be most concerned.


o    Training Opportunities for Youth Umpires in Non-Traditional Locations – Phil

§   Discussion of location of suitable facilities due to restrictions – does the Chapter provide or facilitate suitable locations.


o    MLL Semi-Finals – Fairfield University on August 13th @ 5:30pm.

§  Chapter’s help solicited to help promote this event

§  Chapter tent, coordination of youth tournament.


o    On March 15th USL  roll out of new initiative to enhance group member value – Phil

§  Player segmentation, guidelines based on research and best practices.

§  Pilot programs for age verification – submission of birth certificate for age verification and age bracket(s) as a safety concern.

§  Athlete Development Program initiative.

§  Short sided game rules for officials.


o    Discussion of problems associated with elite local clubs poaching players from town teams – Rich

§   These issues are of concern to CONNY & CVYL as well.

§   Rules and regulations with enforcement should be implemented to prevent poaching – what should USL’s role be as a governing body?



Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.


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