Promote the ideals of USLacrosse in Connecticut and the growth of the sport

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CT Chapter Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 15, 2016

6:30pm – 8:30 pm

Cheshire High School ~ 525 South Main St. Cheshire, CT



Present:  Phil Schneider, Sean Peoples, Ryan Larkum, Sean Cole, Al DiVincentis, Mitch Felton, Rich Heritage, Drew McElroy, John Karafa, Lindsay Jardine, Dick Naramore, Rob Hoynes, Will Mraz.


The Meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by welcoming everyone and introductions.


Phil presented the minutes from the Board meeting of August 18, 2016 and moved to accept, Sean seconded, and the minutes were accepted into the record by unanimous vote.


·        The first item on the meeting agenda was discussion of the CT Chapter calendar. Phil reviewed the calendar for the purpose of establishing set Chapter meeting dates as the second Wednesday of every month, as well as determining whether additional events/tournaments may be added in order to achieve greater Chapter visibility at these events. (tentative calendar attached)

o   Tuesday, September 27, 2016 CONNY Meeting at Darien High School.

o   Tournament Schedules;

o   Events – Hall of Fame Dinner

o    NCAA Division 1 National Championship to be held in May at Gillette Stadium


There was consensus on expanding the calendar to include additional tournament dates to promote the Chapter and increase visibility.


·        The next item on the agenda was initial review of the CT Chapter Budget - the final budget is due to US Lacrosse on October 1, 2016.


There was lengthy discussion on allocating funds for Chapter website/marketing.  Phil mentioned that US Lacrosse has provided a uniform website that may be utilized by Chapters and he added that information from the Chapter’s existing website can be integrated with the new site in a way that would maintain the functionality of the site. The further discussion that followed concerned, among other issues, transferability/migration of data.  Phil deferred to the Board for action on the new website as well as data storage.


Mitch moved to allocate $2,000.00 for marketing/website set-up.  The Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.


There was brief further discussion on whether funds should be earmarked for an official’s mentor program where new officials would be paired with seasoned officials.  No vote was taken.


A Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget with amendment for $2,000.00 to be allocated as a budget line item for marketing/website.  The Motion passed unanimously.


The next item on the agenda was the CT Lacrosse Hall of Fame Dinner.  Rob addressed the Committee’s efforts to date and opened discussion on the Hall of Fame Dinner to be held on Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 6:00pm – 10:00pm at The Four Seasons Vazzanos, 337 Kenyon Street, Stratford, CT.  The Committee’s efforts to date have primarily focused on getting the event underway.


·        Reviewed the event - about 150-250 attendees in the past depending on the honorees;

·        Solicited volunteers for marketing the event with local organizations;

·        Discussed efforts to obtain corporate sponsors;

·        “Google Docs” folders will be created for each nominee (pictures, video, biographic) for each honoree;

·        Ad book advertising;

·        Outreach to area organizations for example:


o   Website banner;

o   Program book;

o   Table ticket sales


Mitch offered to take the lead again on outreach to potential corporate sponsors. Phil suggested putting together a package for potential sponsors and stated that developing the website would aid in this effort.


The next item on the agenda was Phil’s brief report on the US Lacrosse Chapter Leadership Conference held in Baltimore on Sept., 10th & 11th:


·        Education and training;

·        Fueling growth of the sport;

·        Supporting LLO’s;

·        Driving Chapter visibility and fundraising efforts thru the “Rallyme” website.


Other business before the Chapter (Phil):


·        Waterford will be hosting a CDP level 1 clinic on October 30, 2016 – it will be the only such clinic held in this area this fall

·        Youth Lacrosse Leadership Conference – to be held in November?

·        Coaches Convention – Phil’s discussion with Black Wolves.

·        PCA and LTP clinics.


Meeting Decisions and Points of Action:


·        Phi will modify the budget in accordance with the vote taken by the Board and submit same to US Lacrosse by the Oct. 1st deadline.


·        Mitch will work on the website and Hall of Fame corporate sponsorship outreach

·        Members will ramp up Hall of Fame volunteer efforts

·        Drew will work with Mitch on the website and biographic information for the Hall of Fame Dinner honorees


·        Dick will modify the registration for the Hall of Fame Dinner Event to include donation information on the website.


The next meeting of the Chapter will be Thursday, October 13, 2016 ~ Location TBD.


Whereupon the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. 



Respectfully Submitted,


By:_Sean M. Peoples_______



2016/2017 Calendar of Events


CT Chapter of US Lacrosse Meeting Dates (6:30-8:30pm)

Thursday October 13

Wednesday November 9

Wednesday December 14

Wednesday January 11

Wednesday February 8

Wednesday March 8

Wednesday April 12

CVYL Meeting Dates (Grace Church, 301 Broad Street, Windsor, 7:00-8:30pm)

Tuesday, October 4

Tuesday, November 1

Tuesday, December 6 (presentation of rules modification/discussion)

Tuesday, January 3 (voting on rules)

Tuesday, February 7 (Waiver meeting)

Monday, February 27 (Senior Game Scheduling)

Tuesday, February 28 (Junior Game Scheduling)

Thursday, March 2 (Bantam Game Scheduling/Snow Date)

Tuesday, March 7

Tuesday, April 4* (We typically cancel this meeting)

NECLAX Meeting Dates (Groton Public Library, 52 Newtown Road, Groton, 7:00-8:45pm)

Tuesday September 20

Tuesday October 18

Tuesday November 15

Tuesday December 20

Tuesday January 17

Tuesday February 21

Tuesday March 21

Tuesday April 18

Youth Tournaments (Tentative)


CVYL – June 10-11

NECLAX – June 10-11

CT Lacrosse Hall of Fame

Saturday November 19 – Vazzano’s Four Seasons, Stratford, 6:00-10:00pm

USL: Coaches Education Programs

Sunday October 30 – Level 1 – Clark Lane Middle School, Waterford

US Lacrosse National Convention

Friday-Sunday January 20-22, Baltimore Convention Center

CT Chapter Coaches Clinic – TBD

US Lacrosse Women’s National Tournament             CT Chapter Grant Application Deadline

Saturday-Sunday May 27-28                                   September 30th and January 31st

CT Chapter Girls Super Juniors                                  NCAA Men’s National Championship

Monday June 12 – Try-outs                                     Saturday-Monday May 27-29

Thursday June 15 - Game

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